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New CEO for Semine

1 Nov 2022
Time to read Editorial

Bjørn Røsten is the new CEO and will take Semine out into the world. 



Røsten has extensive experience of software that streamlines and improves finance operations, especially invoice processing.

I have followed Semine with great interest for some time, he acknowledges.

- They are proactive, and their solutions have revolutionised how companies process incoming invoices. This gives the finance department more time for work that adds value, such as strategic or data-driven analysis and insight, and following it up.

Røsten joins us from Unit4, where he was Managing Director and Global Head of Sales. He has previously been Managing Director of ReadSoft, and also held several management positions at Basware.

In a recent survey, Gartner reported that the uncertain international outlook and macroeconomic conditions are accelerating the introduction of new technology within the finance functions. Solutions for automated machine learning, such as the SEMINE platform, are at the top of the priority list, and three in four major companies say they will prioritise such solutions. Furthermore, Gartner highlighted Semine as one of the world’s foremost providers of invoice automation.


International growth

Semine develops solutions that automate the processing of invoices. This frees up the time of many finance employees for far more value-adding tasks. The technology has been adopted by over 100 companies, with over 8,500 users/clients reporting significantly improved insight into purchasing and freeing up time across group and projects.

Nishant Fafalia, Board Chair of Semine and Investment Director at Kistefos, is very happy with the recruitment of the new CEO.


- Semine is growing internationally. It is therefore great to have Bjørn on board and benefit from his expertise in international scaling of innovative technologies. The SEMINE platform has demonstrated itself to be a highly efficient tool for leaders who want to take their finance departments into the future, says Fafalia.

Røsten confirms that the market is ready for automation solutions for invoices and the finance function in general that both increase data capture for data-driven measures and provide increased insight across groups and projects.

- I am impressed by the employees at Semine and the exciting innovations that the company has launched. They have demonstrated their ability to change the finance department for the better, and their growth so far has been impressive. We have a fantastically good starting point for succeeding in the internationalisation of the company, says Røsten.