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SKB Eiendom: Continuing digitalisation – Now with AI from Semine

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SKB Eiendom AS is advancing its technological strategy by choosing SEMINE for automating accounting processes, aiming to gain a competitive edge and streamline operations.

SKB Eiendom and Semine

Fra venstre: Vivi Rikheim, Økonomisjef i SKB Eiendom, Erlend Garmann Tuntland, Administrerende direktør i SKB Eiendom, Bjørn Røsten, CEO i Semine 


In recent years, SKB Eiendom has significantly expanded its property portfolio, with locations in Oslo, Bergen, Sarpsborg, Asker, Lillestrøm, and Moss. With a strong focus on digital and efficient solutions, SKB Eiendom sought to ensure a modern finance department. To handle the company’s approximately 7,000 incoming invoices most efficiently, they selected the AI solution SEMINE as their accounts payable processing system.

– Our previous systems in the finance department required significant manual handling of around 7,000 incoming invoices annually. Therefore, we decided to find a better and more streamlined way to manage this, says Vivi Rikheim, CFO, and Erlend Garmann Tuntland, CEO of SKB Eiendom.

We are impressed with the capabilities and efficiency of SEMINE, particularly the features tailored for a real estate company like ours. We appreciate the seamless integration with Xledger, which is our ERP system. We know SEMINE will save us a lot of time and money quickly, and with an upcoming parental leave in the finance department, the choice was easy

READ MORE: Easy integration with the leading financial systems

With this contract, SKB Eiendom joins the ranks of OBOS and Heimstaden on Semine’s client list, another real estate company with ambitious digital goals.

- SKB Eiendom may be a smaller player than some of our most well-known clients in this segment, but they have demonstrated a strong commitment to leveraging technology.

- For us, they are another example of a real estate client with a significant invoice volume who sees how SEMINE’s machine learning and artificial intelligence can deliver substantial advantages in the finance department, says Øyvind Skarelven, who is Sales Manger for the Real Estate segment at Semine.

He emphasizes that SEMINE opens up many opportunities to streamline and automate the handling of incoming invoices.

- The solution simplifies practical accounting tasks for complex organizational structures, adds more flexibility and better workflow solutions, and makes VAT handling much smoother. SEMINE extracts all data from every line item on each invoice, providing valuable information for further analysis. This is something modern real estate companies need in today’s market,  Skarelven concludes.

LES MER: This is how easy it is to get started with SEMINE


Om SKB Eiendom AS:

SKB Eiendom AS eier og forvalter over 40 eiendommer/250.000 m2 med en verdi på om lag 6 milliarder kroner. Selskapet har nærings- og boligeiendommer i Oslo og Bergen, samt Asker, Raufoss og Sarpsborg. Selskapet har fokus på miljø- og energivennlig drift, forvaltning og utvikling. SKB Eiendom AS eies av Stiftelsen Kaare Berg. 

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